LEAP Program
Many studies show a correlation between companies with a greater proportion of women in senior decision-making positions and the delivery of better economic results for that company, as well as a greater focus on social and environmental issues.
Now is the time for business to commit to SDG 5, which aims to achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls by 2030. Through its new LEAP project, WBCSD is aiming to accelerate this transition.

Our LEAP Program focused on women and sustainability, in partnership with Yale University and ESADE Business School, is designed to open horizons and raise awareness among business to rethink our systems in which we operate. Female Executives from WBCSD member companies are eligible to participate in the LEAP Program.
The challenge
Gender equality is a matter of business value, not just a matter of social justice. The Better Business, Better World report, launched by the Business & Sustainable Development Commission in January 2017, shows that achieving gender parity and other human capital gains would unlock between USD $12 and USD $28 trillion by 2030. However, women are still underrepresented in the senior ranks of many companies.
The business case
Increasing the representation of women at the top of companies helps business become more sustainable. Companies with higher female representation on their boards tend to give higher priority to environmental and social issues. Women also bring critical competencies to successfully develop business opportunities aligned with the SDGs: long-term thinking, innovation, collaboration, transparency, environmental management, and social inclusiveness. However, companies are still struggling to increase women representation at the top, and progress is very slow.
The solution
LEAP is a new education project aimed at women and companies. It is designed to help women reach senior positions in their companies and ensure that sustainability is both embedded in their leadership and included in their company strategy.

Leap Program 2025 Brochure

LEAP Program 2024 Brochure

Leap Program 2023 Brochure

LEAP: Leading Women for Sustainable Development

A new education program for leading women and sustainability
News and Insights
SDG impact


Rodney Irwin
Chief Operating officer

Gabriela Uriarte
Director, Education